congatec Whitepapers

Adapting industrial edge servers to evolving markets

Data processing is surging in sectors like manufacturing, energy, and smart cities, creating a booming market for edge servers. According to Global Market Insights, this will create a $29 billion opportunity for near- and far-edge computing solutions by 2025 

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Ensuring cybersecurity at the industrial edge

Cyber attacks against industrial operations increased by 140% in 2022. Preventing such attacks is non-negotiable, but it can be a significant challenge for industrial operators.

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System consolidation in autonomous mobile robots

Software functions define the capabilities of autonomous robots. Consolidating all functions on one system can help to make your designs more powerful, cost effective, and resilient. Learn what is possible and what to consider in our whitepaper.

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Etteplan 评估平台采用康佳特(congatec) 计算机模块(COM)

Etteplan 开发新一代的全方位评估平台 加速客户的产品开发


COM-HPC Intel Xeon D Solution Brief

Three new computer-on-modules for high performance computing (COM-HPC) products from congatec bring the power of a server from the data center to the edge, including industrial environments and outdoor applications.

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解决方案简介: 面向医疗应用的COM-HPC

德国康佳特 (congatec) 的 COM-HPC 模块为人工智能、图形和其他数据密集型应用提供其所需的设计灵活性和高性能,从而推动医疗系统的现代化发展。

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第12代英特尔酷睿移动端和台式机处理器近期登陆嵌入式计算领域,并在COM-HPC和COM Express高性能计算机模块上实现。新的高端嵌入式处理器代号为Alder Lake,采用创新混合 架构,绝非i9、i7、i5、i3的单纯升级版。那么它们的区别在哪里?这些新产品又能为新一代 高端嵌入式及边缘应用带来什么呢?



康佳特等众厂商现已将英特尔至强D处理器整合到COM-HPC服务器模块上, 让边缘服务器设备得以突破以往风冷机房严格散热条件的桎梏。


Rugged Computer-on-Modules

congatec COM Express Type 6 modules with soldered memory for shock and vibration resistant applications.

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Multitasking at the edge

In the past, there was rarely a need to put much emphasis on a high number of cores as most established embedded systems had little parallel processing to do. With Industry 4.0 and IIoT digitization, this picture has dramatically changed. 

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PICMG发表针对嵌入式系统平台管理的COM-HPC接口规范, 目的为协助边缘服务器工程师远程管理系统。 例如当系统当机时, IT管理员可按下重置按钮,发挥与亲临车间或其他场所相同的效果。 该规范专为以COM-HPC嵌入式计算机模块为基础的边缘计算机而设计, 旨在简化维护及提升服务质量。



对于AI加速系统来说,不管是应用在自动驾驶汽车、监控摄像头或协作机器人,其集成的嵌入式 视觉功能堪称是它们成功运行的关键。预配置的嵌入式视觉构件让开发者能够更轻松、更快速地 创建 制解决方案。现在,康佳特与Basler就携手推出了这样的构件平台,它基于NXP i.MX 8 Plus处理器及其强大的集成式神经处理单元(NPU)。



康佳特conga-TS570 COM Express Type 6和conga-HPC/cTLH COM-HPC Client模块基于第11代英特尔®酷睿™处理器,为新时代的边缘计算应用提供近乎实时的性能、可拓展性、安全性和容错性


Maximum performance for COM Express Type 7 servers

Embedded edge servers and microservers need high performance. Anyone wanting to develop such high-performance systems scalably with server-on-modules for harsh environments needs an ecosystem based on COM Express Type 7 with fanless support for TDPs of up to 100 W
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在生物工程应用领域 (包括诊断、除颤器、微创外科手术中的实时影像),嵌入式集成的实现方式决定了AI系统的成败。预配置的嵌入式模块可帮助开发者更快为医疗应用找到适用的解决方案。


COM Express Type 6 and COM-HPC Client

It’s a new era for high-end embedded processors that are now available on two COM form factors: The brand-new COM-HPC® Client and COM Express® Type 6. With the emergence of the 11th Gen Intel® Core® processor generation (codenamed Tiger Lake), developers now have the ability to choose the most appropriate form factor that best suits their project requirements.
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SMARC modules with NXP i.MX 8M Plus Processor

congatec is expanding its SMARC platform with a new module with an NXP i.MX 8M Plus processor especially for embedded AI applications. Thanks to the extensive ecosystem with application-ready 3.5-inch carrier board, Basler cameras, and AI software stack, fast proof of concept is possible.

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3D机器视觉虽然不是最简单的识别技术,但由于它最接近人眼,因此3D视觉应用广泛,并 越来越多地与机器学习一起使用。目前正在利用3D视觉为工业4.0应用,创造全新解决方案 的工业制造大型应用领域包括视觉引导机器人(VGR)和自动导引车(AGV)。康佳特推出的新 型COM-HPC模块可大幅提升性能并推动这两个领域的硬件整合趋势。


Embedded server modules for edge data centers

The growing need to lower latency and reduce energy-hungry data traffic over long distances is leading to rapidly rising deployment of server technology and data centers at the edge. Server-on-Modules based on the COM-HPC and COM Express standards offer a highly efficient design basis for this.

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The edge is modular

Industrial edge server designs must be highly flexible to integrate the ability to perform diverse tasks. Increasingly, virtual machines are being used to consolidate a variety of
Industry 4.0 workloads. Learn more about hardware consolidation and modular edge computing

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The significance of real-time Ethernet networks for the IIoT

With the emergence of 5G technologies and the arrival of 10+ GbE networks in the industrial sector, real-time processing leveraging time-sensitive networking in tactile Internet environments is becoming an important new application area. What are the requirements for TSN-enabled edge computers?

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COM HPC Server – the new Server-on-Module standard

What are the most important markets and applications for the new high-end Server-on-Modules and what are the limits?


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近期推出的COM-HPC新标准是面向模块化高端边缘服务器。该标准的速度相比 COM Express显著提升且接口增加近双倍,因此,对载板设计的要求也急剧提升。开发者们该作何准备以应对全新挑战?

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AI vision platform for robotics

Computer-based vision is growing more and more important in robotic systems. But how do you fuse hard real-time applications and time-sensitive networking (TSN) with vision systems and artificial intelligence (AI)?

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Hacarus AI

Sparse Modeling featuring slim but powerful artificial intelligence for embedded systems



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Driving fleets into the cloud

Connecting their fleets to the clouds is a must for transport operators today. The Spanish
solution provider Datik is specialized in such cloud-based solutions for public transport.



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康佳特新推出了符合SMARC 2.0与Qseven标准的恩智浦(NXP) i.MX8多核32位与64位ARM处理
的应用, 甚至在正常运作模式下,可以仅凭太阳能供电,能耗小于3至5瓦,。那么,该类模块有哪些

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Performance boost for harsh environments

Server processors are getting more and more energy efficient. Embedded application developers use them to boost performance, which also opens up completely new application fields for them. congatec supports such OEM designs with application-ready COM Express Type 7 modules and platforms. 

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Device development with SMARC 2.0

SMARC 2.0 is the great new Computer-on-Modules standard for the efficient design of powerful and feature-rich small form factor (SFF) applications.

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SMARC 2.0 Whitepaper

SMARC 2.0 - A New Standard to Bridge the Gap between Qseven and COM Express

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Real-time capable Ethernet becomes standard

With the coming of 5G technology and the implementation of 10+ GbE networks in factories, real-time data processing for OPC UA and other tactile Internet applications is emerging as an important new area of use.

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Computing Core Standard for Mobility IT

In the past, electronic components were tailored to specific automotive platforms in order to reduce costs in series production. But in the cockpits of tomorrow, the days of proprietary controller platforms for dedicated functions are over; the future lies in clustering individual mobility functions by using universally applicable computing cores.

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SMARC 2.1 Whitepaper

SMARC 2.0模块以其丰富的图形、摄像头、声音、网络和可选的无线接口选择而脱颖而出。它们为嵌入式系统开发人员提供了一个完整的、现成的、信用卡大小的嵌入式计算内核,是物联网连接多媒体平台和其他许多图形密集型低功耗应用的理想选择。更新后的SMARC 2.1规格进一步扩展了这一功能集。两个PCI Express通道可作为额外的以太网端口。额外的两个MIPI CSI接口和额外的GPIO也扩展了SMARC模块的可能性。
