congatec Whitepapers
Adapting industrial edge servers to evolving markets
Data processing is surging in sectors like manufacturing, energy, and smart cities, creating a booming market for edge servers. According to Global Market Insights, this will create a $29 billion opportunity for near- and far-edge computing solutions by 2025
Ensuring cybersecurity at the industrial edge
Cyber attacks against industrial operations increased by 140% in 2022. Preventing such attacks is non-negotiable, but it can be a significant challenge for industrial operators.
System consolidation in autonomous mobile robots
Software functions define the capabilities of autonomous robots. Consolidating all functions on one system can help to make your designs more powerful, cost effective, and resilient. Learn what is possible and what to consider in our whitepaper.
솔루션 요약: 의료 애플리케이션을 위한 COM-HPC
콩가텍의 COM-HPC 모듈은 최신 헬스케어 시스템을 구동하는 AI, 그래픽 및 기타 데이터 집약적 애플리케이션에 필요한 설계 유연성과 고성능을 제공한다.
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12th Gen Intel Core Computer-on-Modules
The 12th generation Intel Core mobile and desktop processors have recently arrived in the embedded computing space, with implementations on the high-performance Computer-on-Module standards COM-HPC and COM Express.
Remote management made easy
COM-HPC is defines an interface specification for the out-of-band management of embedded system platforms. OEMs benefit from the ability to remotely monitor systems, install updates and patches, and resolve issues remotely without being physically present in the server room.
NPU로 훈련된 눈
임베디드 비전의 통합은 자율 주행 차량, 비디오 감시 카메라, 협업 로봇 등 분야 무관 도입 시 AI 가속화 시스템의 성공에 매우 중요한 부분입니다. 사전 구성된 임베디드 비전 빌딩 블록을 사용하면 개발자가 맞춤형 솔루션을 더 쉽고 신속하게 개발할 수 있습니다.
백서 다운로드
11th Gen Intel Core Solution Brief
Built on 11th Gen Intel® Core™ processors, congatec’s conga-TS570 COM Express Type 6 and conga-HPC/cTLH COM-HPC Client modules bring near real- time performance, scalability, security, and resilience to a new class of edge computing applications.
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Maximum performance for COM Express Type 7 servers
Embedded edge servers and microservers need high performance. Anyone wanting to develop such high-performance systems scalably with server-on-modules for harsh environments needs an ecosystem based on COM Express Type 7 with fanless support for TDPs of up to 100 W.
Human-Like Cognition with a NPU for Enhanced Patient Care
The way in which embedded integration is realized determines the success of AI-based systems in biomedical engineering applications – whether for diagnoses, defibrillators, or live images from minimally invasive surgery. Preconfigured embedded modules help developers find specific solutions for medical applications faster.
COM Express Type 6 and COM-HPC Client
It’s a new era for high-end embedded processors that are now available on two COM form factors: The brand-new COM-HPC® Client and COM Express® Type 6. With the emergence of the 11th Gen Intel® Core® processor generation (codenamed Tiger Lake), developers now have the ability to choose the most appropriate form factor that best suits their project requirements.
SMARC modules with NXP i.MX 8M Plus Processor
congatec is expanding its SMARC platform with a new module with an NXP i.MX 8M Plus processor especially for embedded AI applications. Thanks to the extensive ecosystem with application-ready 3.5-inch carrier board, Basler cameras, and AI software stack, fast proof of concept is possible.
머신 비전을 가속화하는 COM-HPC 모듈
3D 머신 비전은 사물을 인식하는 기술 중 가장 간단한 기술은 아닙니다. 하지만 사람의 눈에 가장 가깝기 때문에 3D 비전은 광범위한 응용 분야에 활용되고 있으며 머신 러닝과 함께 점점 더 많이 사용되고 있습니다.
백서 다운로드
Embedded server modules for edge data centers
The growing need to lower latency and reduce energy-hungry data traffic over long distances is leading to rapidly rising deployment of server technology and data centers at the edge. Server-on-Modules based on the COM-HPC and COM Express standards offer a highly efficient design basis for this.
The significance of real-time Ethernet networks for the IIoT
With the emergence of 5G technologies and the arrival of 10+ GbE networks in the industrial sector, real-time processing leveraging time-sensitive networking in tactile Internet environments is becoming an important new application area. What are the requirements for TSN-enabled edge computers?
Focus on mobile devices
Color video technology paired with artificial intelligence is a large development field for the future optimization of patient care. Mobile systems have an important role to play in this context, and OEMs need solutions that integrate embedded vision and embedded computer technology.
COM HPC 서버 – 새로운 서버 온 모듈(Server-on-Module) 표준
새로운 하이엔드 서버 온 모듈의 가장 중요한 시장과 애플리케이션은 무엇이며 그 한계는 무엇일까요?
COM-HPC 캐리어 보드 설계
COM-HPC는 모듈식 고급 에지 서버를 위한 새로운 표준입니다. COM Express보다 훨씬 빠르고 거의 두 배 많은 인터페이스를 제공합니다. 그 결과 캐리어 보드에 대한 설계 요구 사항이 기하급수적으로 증가하고 있습니다. 개발자는 이러한 새로운 도전에 어떻게 대비할 수 있을까요?
로보틱스용 AI 비전 플랫폼
로보틱 시스템에서 컴퓨터 비전의 중요도는 갈수록 높아지고 있다. 구현이 어려운 실시간 애플리케이션과 TSN을 비전 시스템과 인공지능(AI)에 어떻게 융합할 것인지가 화두가 되고 있다.
Modules for cooperative robotics
The Service Robotics Research Center of Ulm University of Applied Sciences is developing
a modular software framework to make it easier to program robots. The goal is to provide
software components that can be used universally, for instance to swap robotic gripping
arms from different manufacturers as required to generate new robotics solutions via
plug and play.
Performance boost for harsh environments
Server processors are getting more and more energy efficient. Embedded application developers use them to boost performance, which also opens up completely new application fields for them. congatec supports such OEM designs with application-ready COM Express Type 7 modules and platforms.
Computing Core Standard for Mobility IT
In the past, electronic components were tailored to specific automotive platforms in order to reduce costs in series production. But in the cockpits of tomorrow, the days of proprietary controller platforms for dedicated functions are over; the future lies in clustering individual mobility functions by using universally applicable computing cores.
SMARC 2.1 Whitepaper
SMARC 2.0 모듈은 그래픽, 카메라, 사운드, 네트워크 및 무선 인터페이스의 여러옵션등 풍부한 선택 항목으로 뛰어난 기능을 자랑합니다. 임베디드 시스템 개발자에게 IoT 연결 멀티미디어 플랫폼 및 그래픽 집약적인 저전력의 많은 기타 응용 분야에 이상적인 신용 카드 크기의 완전한 상용 임베디드 컴퓨팅 코어를 제공합니다.